Lynne Kenderdine of Devon Wildlife Trust has asked me to post this request - perhaps you own some land in the area outlined in yellow, or know someone who does? Lynne has been emailing all her Avon Valley Project contacts with land between Idston and the Avon Valley Woods on the eastern side of the river.
"The Woodland Trust are seeking to link up and create a new woodland corridor, initially on land that falls within the yellow target area shown on the map.
They are seeking to apply for Forestry Commission funding via the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO). Help can be given with applications.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Sam Manning, Assistant Site Manager South West, Woodland Trust –– Mobile 03437705870…..before 10 May 2022…..
If this is not for you, but feel it may be of interest to your neighbours, please do share with them."
