The South Devon AONB and Buglife are delighted to announce this recent discovery as part of the Life on the Edge Partnership project.
One of the UK's most threatened bumblebees the Brown-banded Carder Bee (Bombus humilis) has been rediscovered at Prawle Point on the South Devon coast. The bee was once thought to be extinct in Devon but in recent years has been rediscovered in the north of the county and has now been found on the south coast!
Find out more :https://www.southdevonaonb.org.uk/lost-bumblebee.../
If you would like to hear more about this exciting discovery and about the work of the Life on the Edge Project, along with how our WAL group and village community can be involved, then please come along to our event on TUESDAY 28TH FEB 7.30PM AT THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. We are very fortunate to have Rob Skinner of the South Devon AONB Life On The Edge project as our speaker. There is no charge for entry and there will be refreshments (including plenty of cake!)
While enjoying your refreshments after the talk you can also watch a slide show of photos taken by our group members over the year of our local wildlife and lovely scenery.
We would very much welcome more committee members to help us plan future projects (the current officers are happy to stand again, so there is no need for anyone to fear being press ganged into one of those roles!) Our meetings are friendly, informal, usually short and are few and far between so it's not a big commitment. There will be a very short AGM (20 minutes) just before the main event starting at 7pm. Do please come along, even if you're not interested in joining the committee, everyone is welcome!