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Wildflower Seeding at Ham Butts


On an unseasonably warm, sunny and very pleasant November morning a small group of us set about the task of sowing wildflower seed on the island at Ham Butts. The seed had been locally harvested and kindly donated by the Devon Wildlife Trust, we also had some bluebell bulbs to plant, donated by Lisa and Marc of the Deer Wood Trust.

After a close cut with a strimmer the grass clippings were raked off and the ground scarified with rakes.

No, Fiona isn't jumping for joy - She's trampling in the wildflower seed that Craig has scattered!

Some bluebell bulbs were also planted.

Finished! We just need to be patient now, it will take a year or two to establish and might look a bit weedy at first, but it will be worth the wait. Hopefully it will bring pleasure to Loddiswell residents and it will be a valuable food source for pollinators.



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